3 Amazing Steps on How to Manifest a Celebrity Crush

Manifestation is a proven process on bringing your desires into real life. In this article, we are going to take a deeper dive on how to manifest a celebrity crush using law of attraction and manifestation methods. Let’s begin.

There can be a number of reasons why you want to manifest a celebrity.

Let’s say you want to meet your dream celebrity, and you have no idea how to do that. You can meet your dream star if you learn how to manifest a famous person. If you want to get the attention of a celebrity, then you might want to learn how to manifest a celebrity to notice you.

Similarly, If you want to become good friends with a celebrity, then you should learn how to manifest being friends with a celebrity.

In this article, we are going to learn how to manifest a celebrity crush and if you want to learn other things such as how to manifest a famous person or how to manifest being friends with a celebrity, you can use the above links.

Is it Possible to Manifest a Celebrity Crush?

Before jumping into anything. First, we need to know, can you manifest a celebrity crush?. Well, to be honest, manifesting a celebrity crush is possible, but it will take time and dedication. Manifesting simple things also take time, so, this manifestation is going to be tricky and time-consuming.

So, before trying to manifest your celebrity crush, you need to take your time and understand why you want to manifest such a thing?

You need to understand, is it worth it to manifest a celebrity crush?

Okay, now let’s see how we can manifest your desired celebrity crush to fall for you.

How to Manifest a Celebrity Crush
How to Manifest Your Celebrity Crush

Manifesting a Celebrity Crush

As I mentioned before, manifestation is a long-term process. And since we are trying to manifest a hard desire, we need to understand what is the law of attraction and how manifestation works.

Manifestation is a law of the universe. Simply in this law, like attract like. So, how does this attraction work?

Successful manifestation depends on your vibrational energy level.

What is Vibrational Energy, and How can You Increase Your Vibrational Energy?

Vibrational energy is the bridge between you and the universe. The more energy you have, the closer you are to the universe. And the closer you are, the easier for the universe to hear you.

So, how can you improve your vibrational energy to manifest your celebrity crush?

Well, there are a number of ways on how to improve your vibrational energy. Simply, you need to follow a lifestyle where you are to show gratitude, meditate, listen to relaxing music, drinking relaxing tea, gardening and many more things.

Before trying to manifest your celebrity crush, you need to improve your vibrational energy greatly.

How to Manifest a Celebrity Crush
3-Step Process on How to Manifest a Celebrity Crush

How to Manifest a Celebrity Crush?

Okay, let’s say you have increased your vibrational energy by doing all those activities. Now you need a great manifestation method to manifest your celebrity crush. As you may know, there are a number of manifestation techniques and methods. So, what is the method that we are going to use?

Well, I have prepared a 3-step process using many manifestation methods and this process will help you to manifest your celebrity crush effectively.

3-Step Process on How to Manifest a Celebrity Crush

This 3-step process is easy to follow and very effective if you want to manifest your celebrity crush fast.

How to Manifest a Celebrity Crush
How to Manifest a Celebrity Crush Using 3 Steps

Identifying why you need to manifest a celebrity crush

Like any other manifestation, the first step begins by identifying what you want right.

If you walk into a store, and you don’t know what you want, you cannot get anything right. Any, you might end up getting a bunch of unwanted things. So, to avoid getting unwanted things in your life, you need to know what and why you want it to be manifested.

First take your manifestation book. If you don’t have one, you can use a piece of paper. Now write the topic as “I Want [Celebrity Name] to be mine”. Now you need to write all the things about him/her that you like. All the things you want from him/her.

Okay, once you have a clear idea about your manifestation, you can move on to the second step on how to manifest your dream celebrity crush.

Using Affirmations to Manifest your celebrity crush

Using affirmation is the second step of our process. Before using affirmations to manifest your celebrity crush, you need to learn how to use affirmations.

how use affirmations to manifest being a successful actress
how use affirmations to manifest being a successful actress

How to use affirmations to manifest your celebrity crush?

Take a new paper or your manifestation book. First, write all the things you will do with him/her once she/he is your lover or friend. You need to be specific as possible. You need to write all the things she/he makes you feel.

For example, you can write how/she makes breakfast for you, how he/she makes you feel, how he/she takes you out.

You need to make sure you feel these feelings when you write your affirmations.

Once you have at least 50-100 affirmations written on your book/paper. You need to recite them 2-3 times a day.

Reciting affirmation once you wake up and when you are going to bed is perfect for manifesting your celebrity crush because then you will think about him/her throughout the day and night.

Sample affirmations to manifest your celebrity crush

  • [Celebrity Crush Name] makes me feel good about myself.
  • [Celebrity Crush Name] takes me out for dinner every weekend.
  • [Celebrity Crush Name] treats me like a king/queen.
  • [Celebrity Crush Name] is the best person for me.
  • [Celebrity Crush Name] cares for me like no one.

Okay, Now let’s more on to our final step on how to manifest a celebrity crush.

Visualization of you and your celebrity crush spending time

Third and Final step of how to manifest a celebrity crush is using visualization. So, is this step important for manifesting your celebrity crush?

Well, this step is the key to a successful manifestation.

How to use visualization to manifest a celebrity crush?

Using Visualization to manifest a celebrity crush is easy if your mind is relaxed. So, the first task on this step is to relax yourself. There are a number of ways you can use to relax your mind. For example, you can use meditation, listen to relaxing music, drink relaxing tea and painting.

Once you are relaxed, you can sit or lie down in a comfortable position.

Then think about the things you will do with your celebrity crush. For example, think about how she/he hold your hand and taking down a walk.

Visualize yourself being with your celebrity crush. Visualize all the tiny details. How she/he takes you to meetings, parties, premieres. You can think about tiny details like what he/she is wearing, what you are wearing, what car is he/she taking, how the area looks like.

This process requires time. So, you need to think about all the things which makes your mind feel amazing about yourself.

You need to use visualization at least 1 time per day.

Can you manifest dating a celebrity!!


Using this process one time will not make your manifestation come to life. You need to use this process multiple times for months to manifest your celebrity crush. Like I said, manifesting a celebrity crush is not going to be easy or fast.

You need to keep believing in yourself. Build up your confidence. Confidence in this process. Be successful and build up contacts. Learn, Earn and be grateful, help everyone.

You can manifest anything, yes, you can manifest your celebrity crush. Dedicate yourself and keep faith in yourself and this process.

Happy Manifesting!